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This page is about this things I've coded that were used in prototypes I've worked on. This page does not include projects that are in the 'Games I've Made' page. These were coded in C#, using the Unity Game Engine.

'The Maze' - Procedural Maze with patrolling enemy

The Maze was a prototype where the player explores a procedurally generated maze while avoiding a monster that patrols the maze. The player finds and collects boxes hidden within the maze that contain resources, which are then used to craft various objects which help the player find more resource boxes. The goal is to craft three keys to open the exit door. The code for the monster was the largest and most complex AI I've written. It follows the process of;

 - Chooses random position in maze

 - Move towards chosen position, moving around walls

 - When it's at the position, it scans the area by preforming a full 360 spin

      - If it detects the player during the scan, it will follow the player

          - If line of sight is lost, it goes to the last know position of the player and does another scan

      - If it doesn't detect the player, the process is repeated from the beginning

It was the first time coding enemy AI that worked as it was meant to, as well as the first time I successfully used Enums for enemy states instead of booleans. I coded the AI over the course of a week.

'Universe Sim' - Procedural Universe

Universe sim was a prototype where the player explores a procedurally generated universe, with the ultimate goal of visiting all of the planets. 

Each planet has a randomly generated position, size, name, population value, and resource value. Whether or not the planet has population is also randomly decided for each planet.

The player started with a space station in the center of the universe, and access to the five closest planets. The player sends ships to the planet to mine for resources. The gathered resources are used to craft upgrades, including increasing the maximum number of ships the player can send at one time, faster mining speed, ships holding more resources before returning, and ships being able to go to planets further away.

The planets themselves would contact the player as well, giving the player optional tasks which are reward with resources. These tasks include stopping a war between planets by destroying one of them, loaning resources with the promise of more resources in return, and visiting a certain planet in a time frame.

This was the first time I attempted to do a simulation style game.

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